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  1, 2, 3...Sælg!
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Citat: ''Jeg har gjort mange bekymringer i mit lange liv. Det er de færreste, der er gået i opfyldelse.'' - Mark Twain

Link partnere:

 - Dealhub.dk
 - Magnus Kjøller: Ask Me Anything
 - Deal Structuring


  ARTIKLER » 1, 2, 3...SÆLG!   NYHEDER
Har du problemer med at huske hvordan du får gennemført et salg? Denne artikkel guider dig igennem alle salgets faser.


During the introduction, did you:
  • Learn about the company, the person you're calling on and the industry he or she is in before the meeting?
  • Observe the prospect's office, décor, awards and pictures on his or her desk to find something you both have in common?
  • Find out anything about the prospect's personal interests, hobbies or family?
  • Bridge to the business topic smoothly?
  • Listen 80 percent of the time and talk only 20 percent of the time?
  • Ask the customer questions about his or her goals, challenges, and personal and business philosophies?
  • When qualifying, did you ask:

  • "Is there anybody else besides yourself who might be involved in the decision-making process?"
  • "What does a vendor need to do to earn your business?"
  • "If you could change anything about your present vendor's product or service, what would it be?"
  • And did you also:

  • Determine how and why the prospect made the decision to purchase his or her present product or service?
  • Find out what his or her time frame is?
  • Discover whether funds have been allocated?
  • Uncover the prospect's specific needs?
  • When surveying, did you:

  • Ask a lot of open-ended questions?
  • Find out who, what, where, why, when, how and how much?
  • Have the prospect go into depth by using phrases such as "Tell me about . . .", "Describe for me . . ." and "Can you elaborate on . . ."?
  • Ask the broad questions first, then get more specific to uncover key needs?
  • Ask about your prospect's roles, what's important to him or her, what his or her hot buttons are, and how industry trends or situations are affecting the prospect?
  • When handling objections, did you:

  • Listen to the entire objection?
  • Pause before responding, remain calm and not get defensive?
  • Answer the objection with a question to find out more specifically what the objection was?
  • Restate the objection to make sure you both agreed?
  • Answer the objection?
  • During the presentation or demonstration, did you:

  • Re-establish rapport?
  • Ask if anything had changed since your last meeting?
  • Precommit the prospect? Example: "If I can show you how this can make a difference in what we talked about, can we go ahead with this?"
  • Prioritize the prospect's needs?
  • Talk about the benefits of your product or service to the customer?
  • Link the benefits to the prospect's needs?
  • Verify each need before moving on?
  • Summarize the prospect's needs and how your product or service meets those needs?
  • Involve the customer in the presentation? When closing, did you:

  • Ask for the order?
  • Ask "What's our next step?"
  • Get the customer to identify all possible problems that might be solved by your product or service?
  • Get the customer to identify the value of solving the identified problems?
  • Get agreement that the proposed solution provided the values identified?
  • For customer maintenance and follow-up, did you:

  • Send a thank-you letter for the appointment, presentation or order?
  • Earn the right to ask for reference letters and referrals?
  • Maintain communications for future consideration?
  • Establish a schedule for follow-up calls and customer visits? Of course, don't just ask these questions by rote. It's not a script that could, or should, be followed for every sale, but it gives you a great structure to keep in mind. Refer to it whenever you're puzzled by why you didn't make a sale. Maybe there's something you forgot to do that you should have remembered!

  • Kilde: Entrepreneur.com, d. 5. oktober 2003
    Onsdag den 31. marts
    Så har Få Succes Som Sælger fået en ny internet-adresse. Fremover kan siden nu findes på FaaSuccesSomSaelger.dk. Samtidig er Ide-banken også kommer på hjemmesiden, hvor man kan udveksle diverse salgsrelaterede ideer, tips og tricks

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